Special Marathon 61km

Special Marathon 61km

Start from Sega Digon di Comelico Superiore

2nd August 2020

Length: 61km

Altitude range: 2,500m

Minimum altitude: Sega Digon – 1125m above sea level

Maximum altitude: Quaternà Mount Saddle – 2379m

Maximum gradient: 30.6%

Average gradient: 8.8%

Sprint sections: M. Zovo; Sella del Quaternà

Timed downhill section: M. Spina – Federe

[qode_button_v2 target=”_self” hover_effect=”” gradient=”no” text=”REGISTER NOW” custom_class=”bottone_iscriviti_competizione” color=”#000000″ hover_color=”#ffffff” background_color=”#ffffff” hover_background_color=”#ee7d00″ margin=”0px 100px 0px 100px” link=””]

Start from Sega Digon di Comelico Superiore

2nd August 2020

Length: 61km

Altitude range: 2,500m

Minimum altitude: Sega Digon – 1125m above sea level

Maximum altitude: Sella del Quaternà – 2379m

Maximum gradient: 30.6%

Average gradient: 8.8%

Sprint sections: M. Zovo; Sella del Quaternà

Timed downhill section: M. Spina – Federe

[qode_button_v2 target=”_self” hover_effect=”” gradient=”no” text=”REGISTER NOW” custom_class=”bottone_iscriviti_competizione” color=”#000000″ hover_color=”#ffffff” background_color=”#ffffff” hover_background_color=”#ee7d00″ margin=”0px 100px 0px 100px” link=””]
[qode_button_v2 target=”_self” hover_effect=”” gradient=”no” text=”Donwload altimetry” link=”” custom_class=”bottone_iscriviti_competizione” color=”#000000″ hover_color=”#ffffff” background_color=”#ffffff” hover_background_color=”#ee7d00″ margin=”0px 100px 0px 100px”]
[qode_button_v2 target=”_self” hover_effect=”” gradient=”no” text=”Rules” link=”” custom_class=”bottone_iscriviti_competizione” color=”#000000″ hover_color=”#ffffff” background_color=”#ffffff” hover_background_color=”#ee7d00″ margin=”0px 100px 0px 100px”]
[qode_button_v2 target=”_blank” hover_effect=”” gradient=”no” text=”Download altimetry” link=”” custom_class=”bottone_iscriviti” color=”#000000″ hover_color=”#ffffff” background_color=”#ffffff” hover_background_color=”#ee7d00″ margin=”0px 0px 0px 0px”]
[qode_button_v2 target=”_blank” hover_effect=”” gradient=”no” text=”Rules” link=”” custom_class=”bottone_iscriviti” color=”#000000″ hover_color=”#ffffff” background_color=”#ffffff” hover_background_color=”#ee7d00″ margin=”0px 0px 0px 0px”]

Where to Find Us

The Pedalonga runs through the wonderful region of Val Comelico, in the province of Belluno (Italy). The start and finish lines will be located in Sega Digon, Comelico Superiore.

[qode_button_v2 target=”_self” hover_effect=”shadow_enhance” gradient=”no” text=”Find out more” link=”” color=”#ffffff” hover_color=”#ffffff” font_size=”13″ background_color=”rgba(255,255,255,0.01)” hover_background_color=”#ee7d00″ custom_class=”bottone_scopri”]

Getting Here

Take a look at our suggestions on how to get to the scheduled start line and race office.

[qode_button_v2 target=”_self” hover_effect=”shadow_enhance” gradient=”no” text=”Scopri di più” link=”” color=”#ffffff” hover_color=”#ffffff” font_size=”13″ background_color=”rgba(255,255,255,0.01)” hover_background_color=”#ee7d00″ custom_class=”bottone_scopri”]

Affiliated Accommodation

Participating in the Pedalonga is a unique opportunity to experience the traditions and customs of Val Comelico. Here is some further information on hospitality in the Dolomites.

[qode_button_v2 target=”_self” hover_effect=”shadow_enhance” gradient=”no” text=”Find out more” link=”” color=”#ffffff” hover_color=”#ffffff” font_size=”13″ background_color=”rgba(255,255,255,0.01)” hover_background_color=”#ee7d00″ custom_class=”bottone_scopri”]